Initial production runs also tend to be low-volume but lead to plenty of follow-up replenishment contracts if the designs prove popular. 此外,初期产往往产量较低,但如果设计受欢迎,接下来会有大量后续合同。
The method for production-plan and scheduling of workshop based on P-FMS was presented. Production task of parts is assigned to specified teams and groups, teams and groups imports machining information of each working procedure on planned ordain, easy to call real-time for follow-up working procedure. 基于P-FMS的车间生产计划和调度方法,将零件的生产任务分配给特定班组,班组按计划规定输入每道工序完成的信息,供后续工序进行实时调度。
In actual production there are lot of variable thickness panels cutting, the cutting quality will be unstable if process parameters are set according to the way cutting ordinary plates, which will increase difficulty of follow-up procedure. 在实际生产中存在大量变厚度工件的切割,如果在此类工件的等离子体弧切割仍然沿用切割等厚度板的方式设定工艺参数,将造成切割质量的不稳定,增加了后续处理工作的难度。
Human placenta is a major site for production and secretion of inhibins, and their secretion changes in different pregnancy-associated diseases. So their measurement may be of important directory significance for the diagnosis, prevention, prognosis and follow-up of different gestational diseases. 胎盘是妊娠期间抑制素的最主要来源,抑制素水平在不同妊娠相关疾病中有不同的变化,其测定可能对一些妊娠相关疾病的预防、诊断、预后及随访等方面有临床指导意义。
Currently the enterprise data warehouse system had been successfully put into production and is operating stably. The follow-up developing is also in steady progress. 目前企业级数据仓库系统已经成功投产并稳定运行,后续开发正稳步开展。
In the actual production process, gear heat treatment distortion is directly related to the gear strength, accuracy and other quality indicators, larger deformation will not only follow-up grinding increases, higher production costs. 而在实际生产过程中,齿轮热处理变形直接关系到齿轮的强度、精度等质量指标,较大的变形不仅会使后续磨削量增加,提高生产成本。
On one hand, it reduces the process volatility, improves production quality, and avoids the occurrence of fatal accidents; on the other hand, it is a basis for the follow-up high-level automation technology, such as control, decision, and scheduling. 一方面它可以减少过程波动,提高生产质量,避免恶性事故的发生,另一方面也为后续的控制、决策、调度等高层次自动化技术奠定了基础。
Within this negotiation, government played an important role in establishment of supervision system, implementing standard production, follow-up the external management, building mechanism of food safety cooperation, etc.. 在此过程中,政府在建立监管体系、实施标准生产、跟进外围管理、建立食品安全合作机制等方面发挥了积极作用。
It is not only used to store the work-in-process ( referred to as WIP) to reduce the impact of uncertainty in manufacturing system, but also used to reschedule the WIP to ensure a balanced production or high production efficiency requirements of follow-up process. 它不仅用于存储在制品来缓冲制造系统内不确定性的影响,还用于对在制品进行重新排序以保证后续工艺的生产均衡与生产效率。
In addition, the main technology system of lean production was described, which was a foundation of the follow-up discussion. 本文还阐述了精益生产方式的主要技术体系,为后续的研究打下了基础。
As a production factor, its price directly affects the price of follow-up products. Therefore, the price of industrial land has drew attention of government, enterprises, and consumers. 工业用地作为生产要素,其价格直接影响后续产品的价格,因此工业用地价格一直以来受政府、企业、及产品消费者的关注。
Reheating furnace is key equipment in steel rolling production line. The stability of furnace temperature is essential to follow-up processes and ensures product quality. 加热炉是轧钢生产线上的关键设备,窑炉温度的稳定性对后续工序的正常进行和保证产品质量至关重要。